If for any reason you wish to turn off the incognito mode of Chrome for your users, it is possible. Obviously, if the incognito mode was disabled in this way by a higher entity (like your mother), it is also possible to make it reappear in this way.
Here’s how to turn off the incognito mode under Windows 10 first and then under MacOS.
1. Turn off the incognito mode in Windows
Under Windows, launch the registry editor (Start -> Run -> regedit) then go to :
Then right-click on the “Policies” key and create a key named “Google“. And inside this key, create another key named “Chrome“. Then, in this Chrome key, create a new DWORD (32-bit) named IncognitoModeAvailability and set its value to 1.
Restart Chrome and that’s it. thats how you disable incognito mode in Chrome.
See also: How to add tabs to your windows and make it look like Chrome
2. Disable the incognito mode in mac OS
Under macOS, to disable the incognito mode it’s a bit different, but you can do the same operation. First of all, quit Chrome completely. Then, launch a terminal and enter the following command:
defaults write com.google.chrome IncognitoModeAvailability -integer 1
Then run the command
killall cfprefsd
By restarting Chrome, iOS will disable incognito mode in chrome and you will no longer be able to use it. And you will see a “Managed by your organization” message at the bottom of the menu, but that won’t change anything else. So no stress.
And to reverse the process, same command but with a 0 instead of a 1.
See also: How to add tabs to your windows and make it look like Chrome